Stoneville is a leading UK retailer, supplier & manufacturer of natural stone tiles, slabs & bespoke products - marble tiles, travertine, limestone, granite, basalt, etc. It has ownerhsip rights in a number of quarries.
Other products include Stoneville Recycled Eco Glass, quartz, neoparies, technical stones, marble agglomerate, etc.
Stoneville is the exclusive UK supplier of a number of different types of marble, limestone. We manufacture bespoke granite & quartz worktops, marble countertops, other stonework made of natural and man-made materials.
Stoneville, as stone contractors, provides tile fixing & other installation services for both commercial and residential projects. Stoneville is a full member of the Stone Federation of GB.
Stoneville welcomes architects, designers, contractors and residential customers, whether you are looking for natural stone or man made tiles or stonework for commercial or residential premises, a swimming pool, etc.